
< December 2024 >
1First Sunday of AdventFirst Sunday of Advent Holy Eucharist Rt II
8:00 am
Holy Eucharist Rt IITime: 8:00 am
Holy Eucharist Rt II
10:30 am
Holy Eucharist Rt IITime: 10:30 am
2Beekeepers Meeting in the parish hallBeekeepers Meeting in the parish hallParish hall 3 41 Book 1 Diocese Study for Advent (Lunch provided)
1:00 pm
1 Book 1 Diocese Study for Advent (Lunch provided)Time: 1:00 pm
5Office ClosedOffice Closed 6Office ClosedOffice Closed Rev. Denise offRev. Denise off 7
8Second Sunday of AdventSecond Sunday of Advent Holy Eucharist Rt II
8:00 am
Holy Eucharist Rt IITime: 8:00 am
Holy Eucharist Rt II
10:30 am
Holy Eucharist Rt IITime: 10:30 am
9 10 111 Book 1 Diocese Study for Advent (Lunch provided)
1:00 pm
1 Book 1 Diocese Study for Advent (Lunch provided)Time: 1:00 pm
12Office ClosedOffice Closed 13Office ClosedOffice Closed Rev. Denise offRev. Denise off 14
15Third Sunday of AdventThird Sunday of Advent ECW Christmas Cookie & Coffee HourECW Christmas Cookie & Coffee Hour Vestry MeetingVestry Meeting Youth Gift Exchange & PartyYouth Gift Exchange & Party Holy Eucharist Rt II
8:00 am
Holy Eucharist Rt IITime: 8:00 am
Holy Eucharist Rt II
10:30 am
Holy Eucharist Rt IITime: 10:30 am
16 17 181 Book 1 Diocese Study for Advent (Lunch provided)
1:00 pm
1 Book 1 Diocese Study for Advent (Lunch provided)Time: 1:00 pm
19Office ClosedOffice Closed 20Office ClosedOffice Closed Rev. Denise offRev. Denise off 21
22Fourth Sunday of AdventFourth Sunday of Advent Angel Tree Gifts Due TodayAngel Tree Gifts Due Today Holy Eucharist Rt II
8:00 am
Holy Eucharist Rt IITime: 8:00 am
Holy Eucharist Rt II
10:30 am
Holy Eucharist Rt IITime: 10:30 am
Greening of the Church after the 10:30 service
11:45 am
Greening of the Church after the 10:30 serviceTime: 11:45 am
23Greening of the ChurchGreening of the Church 24Christmas Eve Candlelight Service with Christmas Pageant
5:00 pm
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service with Christmas PageantTime: 5:00 pm
Reception after the Service
25Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas! Office ClosedOffice Closed Eucharist
10:30 am
EucharistTime: 10:30 am
26Office ClosedOffice Closed 27Office ClosedOffice Closed Rev. Denise offRev. Denise off 28
29First Sunday after Christmas DayFirst Sunday after Christmas Day Festival of Lessons & Carols
8:00 am
Festival of Lessons & CarolsTime: 8:00 am
Festival of Lessons & Carols
10:30 am
Festival of Lessons & CarolsTime: 10:30 am
30 31        
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